Masters of Rock Talk Podcast

“Where Brief is Better”

Each podcast is under 30 Minutes

Grunge: What is It & Where Did It Go? Grunge music never had a bigger fan than Ferris Kennedy. Listen in for a roller coaster ride through this brief but influential genre, taking a deep dive into Pearl Jam and making salient points again and again. This is special.

Bad Vibrations: Charles Manson & The Beach Boys. On one side you have Charles Manson, perpetuator of a series of horrific murders that shocked America. On the other, the Beach Boys, squeaky-clean California guys that sang about surfing. In 1968, these two forces met—and the outcome was definitely Bad Vibrations. Join Dr. Clarke as he ventures down the foggy ruins of time.

The Traveling Wilburys. A Fake Group or What? Who were the Wilburys? At least the Monkees used their real names… George Harrison always wanted to be in another band. Is that why he created the Wilburys? Kennedy and Clarke provide engaging insights, both roasting and celebrating one of most bizarre supergroups ever.

Robbie Robertson: Storyteller. The songwriter, de facto leader of 60s/70s rock giant The Band. Robertson has left us, but his music remains strong and relevant.  Dr. Clarke delivers a heartfelt appraisal of this rare, enduring talent.

What is the Future of Rock’s Biggest Bands?: 2023 saw some of rock’s biggest bands Beatles, Stones, Aerosmith, come to life and, well, start to lower the flag. The three amigos have a round table on what you can expect this year from the bands you know and love.

In Memoriam 2023: Rockers We Lost. We celebrate all those who left us this year. Steven Wheeler applies his consummate knowledge of rock and pop culture, discussing a diverse range of wonderful accomplishments and personalities. Listen in! (If you want to download – and not stream – click here.)

The Rolling Stones. 15 People Who Almost Joined the Band. Becoming a Rolling Stone could be a lethal decision. We talk about 15 guys who came real close to getting tight with Mick and Keef … and lived to tell about it.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Canadian Rock. Dr. Clarke offers a primer on the genesis and growth of Canadian rock. That’s not easy. You try it. Ferris Kennedy garnishes lightly with a look at specific Canadian bands throughout the decades. A wonderful primer that will set you in the right direction.

Listener Emails: We Answer Some BIG Questions: Thank you listeners for your emails. We read every one. We didn’t realize you were so smart – and vengeful! Check to see if we responded to your questions.

The Rolling Stones: 60 Years in 40 Minutes. What can you say or write about the Rolling Stones that hasn’t been said or written a zillion times before? A lot, actually, because each of us has a unique opinion on the aging rockers—and certainly Dr. Clarke and Ferris Kennedy do. This is your special chance to get a neat summation of a sixty-year career, including flash reviews of the albums. So listen in.

Farewell to Classic Rockers Jeff Beck & David Crosby. Though very different musicians, these two giants from the 1960s were huge influences. Kennedy and Clarke discuss the legacies, the tributes, and the music.

Forty-One Classic Rock Bands NOT in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Yes, we know, the RRHF is a’ damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ ethical conundrum… good for the industry, maybe not so great for the music. But some of the exclusion—and inclusions—are far beyond human comprehension. We try to sort it out.

Seventy-Two Classic Rockers Who Changed Their Names. We get it, some’ given names’ must be abandoned on the road to stardom, not to mention surnames. But sometimes the new names are so mind-numbingly awful that the whole thing shudders to a stop. Yes, we are merciful, handling fragile egos with care.

Snoop Dog: What Makes the Dog Father So Successful?

Snoop Dogg. The Snooper. The Dogg Father….. A key artist to emerge from the early-’90s gangsta-funk era, Snoop Dogg evolved beyond his rap beginnings to become a lovable pop culture fixture. How is that even possible? What range. It’s Frank Sinatra singing Death Metal. Lend an ear as Kennedy and Clarke raid the Dogg house to see what’s inside.

Ringo Starr: Destiny’s Child

If ever there was a destiny’s child, it was Ringo Starr. He has to be among the most unlikely superstars in the history of our blue planet. But miraculously, incredulously, he did it. How? We offer a few insights about the Beatles incredible drummer.

All About the Summer of Love 1967 – In this exclusive show, Dr. Ian Clarke burns patchouli oil, wears love beads, and puts this magical summer under a psychedelic microscope to discover why it was – and remains – so influential to pop culture and classic rock.